Monday, 28 April 2008

The Fear

As ice chilling my blood submits to terror
Stomach coils, snakelike with the unknown
Tall conifers glisten with ice, sparkle with frost
I walk barefoot to the glacier and catch my breath
I am face to face with her fearsome majesty
Unsafe and unpredictable as Narnia’s white witch
I feel her cold hate that rises like frost
Sense her evil beauty that I cannot touch
Her presence is deadly as a razor blade
But I am drawn to those sumptuous furs
As she rakes her claws against my cheek
This woman of ice breathes words of the Steppes
Grating blue/silver words whispered in my ears
Hypnotise me, drug me and slow my blood
My breath is like ice, my sight is dull
I know that I am crude beside her icy glamour
Skeletal fingers and cheekbones like a knife edge
Strong bones but pale white skin
Though fragile under gossamer covering

This spirit of fear raises her long white hand
I see her point, hear words in an alien tongue
The glass shatters, ice exploding under pressure
My body shakes, the spell is lost, petals fall


ghost said...

this is lovely..
i can really relate to this right now.. and the end 'petals fall'..
i swear outside my window i have a snow of white cherry blossom petals from our cherry tree..

note: 'here with the spiders'
have you ever seen the old classic black & white b-movie with lon chaney jr. called 'spider baby'?
if not, you should.. hee hee.. one of my favorites!

your friend,

Sleepflower said...

I'm going to order this film on Amazon this week, Ghost!
Thanks for your kind comments,
your friend,

ghost said...

oh i hope you enjoy it! but don't pay too much for it if you do.. it's such a campy weird old thing.. a good laugh though if you need picking up :)
i was able to get it free here on the TCM channel (classic movies - my favorite channel)..
'do you like spiders?
i like spiders..' :P

ghost said...

hey sf~
i was just posting over at the board some candy pictures & it reminded me of the pix i saw here in your photobucket! someone sure had a cool bday! awesome cake!
hope it's ok? i was just poking around and saw them..
i'm guessing you must be the one in the goth black glow-in-the-dark cookie monster outfit? or am i way off? hehe! i saw that shirt somewhere and almost bought it myself so i thought since our tastes are so much the same that must be you..
anyway, just wanted to see how you are.. hope all is good and you're enjoying the summer!
take care,

Sleepflower said...

Hey Ghost,

You got me - I am the one in the goth pj's! That was my friend's 40th birthday and Rich and I made the cake.
I'm so sorry I haven't been around much at your forum...I'll be back soon. Thanks for the message - I really appreciate you thinking about me,